Hi friends! It has been a while! What’s taking up my time these days, you ask? Here’s a quick visual.

Sela and Kate on Hero day at school.

Sela and Kate on Hero day at school.

Kate's 8th birthday party!

Kate’s 8th birthday party!

Sela at Christmas/Frozen/Cinderella madness at the mall.

Sela at Christmas/Frozen/Cinderella madness at the mall.

But what’s been taking up my free time the most? 


This friendly little chart is keeping me on track to finish this draft of book 3 by the time my kids get out of school for something like three weeks for Christmas. I made up the schedule when I realized that having to squeeze writing time into the days while my kids are home through New Years would make all of us fairly miserable. Especially the days leading up to Christmas. It’s always a bit of a struggle to keep things peaceful and restful in the midst of Christmas frenzy, trying to remember what and who we’re celebrating, but much more so if I’m trying to wrangle words as well. So, deadline to the rescue. And I have to admit, as I near the end of this story, I’m starting to feel a teeny bit excited about it. I’ll put it aside after the 13th and hopefully not pick it up again until at least after Christmas, if not when the kids are back in school. Then it’ll be a last push to reread, ask a few people to read it for me, and do final revisions before turning it in Feb. 1. 

I can’t wait to get this book out into your hands! It releases April 3, 2018. In short, it’s about marriage, motherhood, sisters, daughters, cows, photography, and hurricanes. I’m a little biased, but I think you’ll like it 😉

This sweet little thing has stayed on the USA Today Bestseller list for 8 weeks! Amazing. And thank you for helping it make it to the list! I’ve had so much fun talking and Skyping with books clubs over the last several months, and I have several more on the calendar in 2018. If you’re part of a book club, I’d love to come visit–or Skype if you’re not in the Birmingham or Mobile area! Shoot me and email and let’s talk!



I recently finished this little gem, The Longest Night by Andria Williams. It’s her debut novel but you’d never know it by its beautiful prose and tight tension. It’s centered around the country’s only fatal accident at a nuclear reactor (in the early 60s), and the marriage of one of the reactor’s operators and his wife. I really enjoyed it. 

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This was another fascinating read, about the man who led the exploration of a portion of Alaska; his wife Sophie who stayed behind; and a wonderfully crotchety old man writing letters to a young staffer at a museum in Alpine, Alaska. Eowyn Ivey wrote The Snow Child, which I haven’t read, but it was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for fiction, so I’m assuming it’s pretty good 😉 This one kept me up many nights until I finished it. It was beautiful.

If you’re anywhere near Mobile, AL, I’ll be signing copies of The Hideaway at LUSH Home and Garden during the Christmas at the Loop holiday open house! It’s Friday Dec 1 from 5-8pm. I’d love to see you there! Remember BOOKS make great gifts! Especially signed ones. And I can personalize them for anyone you want. 

I hope you all have a restful Thanksgiving with family and friends!





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