I’ve finally starting sending some query letters out! It’s exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. My goal was to have my queries sent by the end of the summer, so come fall I can concentrate on my new WIP. At least I’m on track for that. I think I’m going to send them out in batches. I’d hate to send out 50 queries at once, only to make a big change to my query or something and shoot myself in the foot with all 50 agents. If I start with 10 or so, I can wait a little while, see how those go over, then send out some more.
And speaking of my new WIP, I’m pretty pumped about it. Pieces of it are coming to me all the time. I have notes all over the place–in my car, my purse, on my phone, in notebooks here and there. I know it’s a good story idea when scenes are coming together in my head and I start to get a feel for who the characters are. I’m thankful another story has found its way to me. I was starting to worry, “What if I can’t do it [write a complete novel] again? What if the story just doesn’t come??” Thankfully, it has.

I have a full few days ahead of me with freelance editing, my parents coming into town, and my baby’s second birthday party this weekend. I hope I can give myself the freedom to not obsess about how much I need to get done on the computer and just enjoy myself.

Take care!

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